Elvis Returns To No.1 in October Request Chart

Elvis Presley returned to the top of the request chart for the first time in three months to become the most request artist of October by patients of the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital. Elvis is Radio Brockley’s all-time most requested artist, and he’s one of the leading contenders for the annual number one spot alongside Abba, Ed Sheeran and Adele.
The Beatles zoomed up 30 places to No.2 last month, with Queen, Ed Sheeran and Pharrell Williams completing the Top 5. Meanwhile the most requested song of the month was “Happy” by Pharrell Williams, which has become the most popular track of the last few years.
Here are October’s most requested artists:
1) (4) Elvis Presley
2) (32) The Beatles
3) (12) Queen
4) (2) Ed Sheeran
5) (8) Pharrell Williams
6) (-) Fleetwood Mac
7) (-) Michael Buble
8) (-) Robbie Williams
9) (-) Amy Winehouse
10)(1) Adele