The Beatles Top April 2019 Request Chart

The Beatles have risen back to the top of the monthly request chart, giving us our fourth different chart topper in as many months, and leaving the race for the annual number one wide open. The Beatles have actually never topped our annual chart, reaching a high of No.3 in 2008 and 2010. Ed Sheeran, our monthly number one in January, climbed back up one place to number two and looks like a strong contender for the annual chart topper, as he was in 2017. Last month’s top five was completed by George Ezra, Electric Light Orchestra and David Bowie.
There was also a bizarre new entry at number 8 for the National Opera Orchestra as “The Flower Duet (from Lakme)” became our most requested song of the month – one of our most surprising chart toppers ever! The rest of the top ten included songs by Billy Joel, George Ezra and the Rolling Stones.
Here are April’s most requested artists:
1) (14) The Beatles
2) (3) Ed Sheeran
3) (9) George Ezra
4) (16) Electric Light Orchestra
5) (-) David Bowie
6) (-) Beyonce
7) (-) Billy Joel
8) (-) National Opera Orchestra
9) (1) George Michael
10)(4) David Bowie